do's and dont's for DIY hair coloring

do's and dont's  for DIY hair coloring

DIY hair coloring can be a fun and cost-effective way to change your look, but it's important to follow some dos and don'ts to achieve the best results and minimize potential damage to your hair. Here are some tips:


  1. Read and follow the instructions: Always carefully read the instructions provided with the hair coloring product you choose. Different products may have different application processes and development times.

  2. Do a patch test: Before applying the color to your entire head, perform a patch test to check for allergic reactions or adverse effects. Apply a small amount of the dye to a small area of your skin and wait 24-48 hours to see if you experience any irritation.

  3. Choose the right color: Select a hair color that complements your skin tone and matches your desired result. Consider consulting with a professional or using online tools to determine the best shade for you.

  4. Gather the necessary tools: Ensure you have all the tools you'll need, such as gloves, a mixing bowl, a brush or applicator, and clips to section your hair. This will help make the application process easier and cleaner.

  5. Protect your clothing and surroundings: Wear old clothing or use a hair coloring cape to avoid staining your clothes. Cover surfaces with old towels or newspaper to prevent staining.

  6. Prepare your hair: Don't wash your hair immediately before coloring, as natural oils on your scalp can act as a protective barrier. However, make sure your hair is clean and free of styling products.

  7. Section your hair: Divide your hair into sections to ensure even color distribution. Start applying the color at the roots and work your way down to the ends.

  8. Time it right: Use a timer to keep track of how long the dye has been on your hair. Overprocessing can lead to damage or uneven color.

  9. Rinse with cool water: When it's time to rinse the dye, use cool or lukewarm water to help seal the hair cuticles and prevent color fade.

  10. Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner: After rinsing, use a shampoo and conditioner formulated for color-treated hair to maintain the vibrancy of your color.


  1. Don't rush: Take your time with the application. Rushing can lead to uneven color and missed spots.

  2. Don't skip the strand test: A strand test will give you a preview of how the color will turn out on your hair. Skipping this step can lead to unexpected results.

  3. Don't use expired products: Check the expiration date on the hair coloring product. Using expired products can result in less effective color and potential hair damage.

  4. Don't overuse hair dye: Avoid excessive color changes in a short period of time, as it can weaken and damage your hair. Give your hair time to recover between color treatments.

  5. Don't apply to dirty hair: While you shouldn't wash your hair immediately before coloring, it should be free of excessive oil, product buildup, and debris.

  6. Don't forget to protect your skin: Apply a barrier cream or petroleum jelly along your hairline, ears, and neck to prevent staining on your skin.

  7. Don't ignore color fading: If you notice your color fading, use color-safe shampoos and conditioners and avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and chlorine, which can cause color to fade.

  8. Don't bleach your hair at home: Bleaching is a complex process that is best left to professionals to avoid severe damage. If you want to go significantly lighter, consult a hair stylist.

  9. Don't mix different brands or types of hair dye: Stick to one brand and type of hair dye for consistent results. Mixing products can lead to unpredictable outcomes.

  10. Don't hesitate to seek professional help: If you're unsure about the process or encounter issues during or after DIY hair coloring, consult a professional hairstylist for advice or corrections.

Remember that DIY hair coloring can be a cost-effective way to change your look, but it's important to take the process seriously and follow these dos and don'ts to achieve the best results while minimizing the risk of damage to your hair and skin.

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